New York, New York

May 31, 2011 § Leave a comment

I have so much to share about my long weekend in the city! It was a wonderful weekend with my older sister Christina; we ate, drank, shopped and just enjoyed being together again.

On my first morning in New York, I took this little guy for a walk through Central Park while Christina did some work.


The whole time I was walking through the park, I imagined a Law + Order: SVU episode playing out in my head, even though it was broad daylight. I have very overprotective parents.

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Christina eventually met up with me and Habibi (the pup) and we headed to Zabar’s. I feel like it was a quintessential New York morning. Walking a dog thru Central Park followed by a doughy bagel and a strong cup of coffee?

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A girl could get used to this!

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