If there’s smoke…

January 25, 2011 § 5 Comments

there’s not always fire.

My roommates and I have had a bumpy past with our smoke alarm. It goes off quite often, even when nothing is burning. Tonight, Joelynn burned the crap out of her pizza  because the alarm would.not.stop.

She’s such a happy girl!

Anyway, after all of us nagging each other about the stupid alarm sound, we started to hear another alarm. We figured it was coming from the one upstairs by our bedrooms, but no…Rob was playing a youtube video of smoke alarm sounds! He had us going nuts!! It was impossible to tell where it was coming from. The girls were running up and down the stairs fanning the air like crazy, removing batteries, and trying to figure out where in the heck the noise was coming from! It was priceless. Pranks like this make me really appreciate having a boyfriend who isn’t afraid to play around with me and my roomies.

If anyone’s interested, this is the youtube video … it sounds SO real!

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